Which hardness level should I get?

Almost all of our chews come in 3 color-coded toughness levels (aka density levels).  Which level should you get?  Each person potentially has different preferences, but as a general rule:

  • Soft / Standard Level = this is the softest level in any shape.  This level is best for those who like to chew on really soft and chewy things.  In terms of "last-ability" - this level is best for those who don't usually chew through anything.
  • XT / Medium Level = this level is firmer, but still fairly chewy in most shapes (especially the slender back molar shapes).  This level is usually best for those who want something with a little more resistance, and/or who have chewed through the standard level or other things and are looking for something longer lasting.
  • XXT / Toughest Level = this is the firmest level.  This is a good level for those who prefer chewing on firm items.  This is also typically the longest lasting level for avid chewers who can chew through things quickly.  Nothing chewable is indestructible, but XXT is pretty tough!

For a reference point:  the XT level is similar to the firmness of pink pearl erasers.

As a heads up - shape plays a big role in how tough something feels too.  So something slender like the Krypto-Bite will feel softer than something more robust / wider like the Dino-Bite, even in the same toughness level.

When in doubt, we recommend going with something softer rather than harder (because not everyone likes the tougher XT and XXT levels). 

For more information on this, check out our Chewing Guide.

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